Mayor Lesson Plan: A Lesson on Palestinian Culture & Resistance

Mayor Lesson Plan: A Lesson on Palestinian Culture & Resistance

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Film summary

Musa Hadid is the Christian mayor of Ramallah, the de facto capital of the Palestinian Authority. As he tries to keep his city running while paving sidewalks, planning holidays and building a new fountain, his job is made increasingly difficult by the Israeli occupation of his home. Mayor asks with humor and outrage: how do you run a city if you don’t have a country?
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In these series of lessons, students learn new vocabulary terms relating to Israeli occupation of Palestine. They’re asked to build upon prior knowledge of the occupation of Palestine utilizing a K-W-L chart. In addition, they will engage in various methods of learning like Venn Diagrams as they compare and contrast Christmas lighting events in Palestine and the U.S. as well as Palesitinian and Black Lives Matter protests.