Accepted Discussion Guide

Accepted Discussion Guide

At a glance


This guide is an invitation to dialogue. It is based on a belief in the power of human connection and designed for people who want to use Accepted to engage family, friends, classmates, colleagues, and communities. In contrast to initiatives that foster debates in which participants try to convince others that they are right, this document envisions conversations undertaken in a spirit of openness in which people try to understand one another and expand their thinking by sharing experiences and viewpoints and actively listening to one another in a care-forward environment.

About the Author

Discussion Guide Author, Gina Tillis, Phd

Dr. Gina Tillis is a professor, scholar, and practitioner at the University of Memphis. She has taught high school and university courses that center the experiences of BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities in social history, sociology, cultural anthropology, social-psychology, ethnic studies, and curriculum and instruction.


Discussion Guide Producer:

Courtney B. Cook, Phd | Education Manager, POV


Thanks to all who reviewed this guide:

Dan Chen, Director, Accepted
Natalie Danford, Copyeditor