Lost Boys of Sudan: Interviews: In Search of a Durable Solution

What is the purpose of US refugee policy? Should refugees be resettled in their home countries? How has 9/11 changed the outlook of emigration? Over the course of three years (2004 to 2007), seven experts from the field talk about these and other issues involved with working with refugee children and orphans such as the Lost Boys.
POV Staff 01.17.07

The Refugee Situation Today

Sasha Chanoff
Former Kakuma Camp Relief Worker and Founder of Mapendo International

“Resettlement is not an answer to the problems that are creating refugees — poverty, war, or famine. But for certain people, resettlement is the durable solution.” | Read more »

Arthur Dewey, U.S. State DepartmentArthur E. Dewey
U.S. State Department

“Security enhancements have both lengthened processing time and increased the cost of the refugee admissions program, but in today’s world, we must know who everyone is who comes into our country and there must be adequate safety for U.S. personnel.” | Read more »

Joung-Ah Ghedini, former public information officer, United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesJoung-Ah Ghedini
Former Public Information Officer, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

“The primary goal, our ideal “durable solution,” is repatriation. If and when people can go back to their own home countries, that’s usually best for the refugees themselves, and it’s usually what they want more than anything else.” | Read
more »

António Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesAntónio Guterres
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

“In 2006, around 1.4 million people in Africa returned home as a result of the gradual consolidation of peace processes in countries such as Angola, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and southern Sudan.” | Read more »

Lost Boys of Sudan - Congressman Tom Lantos (D-CA) Congressman Tom Lantos (D-CA)
“What I think is resonant about these refugees is the tremendous strength they show. They make great Americans, because they have shown they have the toughness, grit, and the inspiration to make it here.” | Read more »

Congressman Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) Congressman Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)
“We are a country founded to be the beacon of freedom, an inspiration to the world; and as the leader of the free world, we have a moral responsibility to reach out to those who are miserable and suffering, and to assist them.” | Read more »

Bob Montgomery, director, San Diego office of the International Rescue Committee Bob Montgomery
Director, San Diego office of the International Rescue Committee

“For people who are leaving a horrible situation and struggling for years to come here, there’s a feeling that they can come to the United States and all their prayers will be answered. But it’s actually the beginning of a new process that’s quite difficult.” | Read more »