POV Short Cuts (2011): Sneak Preview: Watch ‘Short Cuts’ on Your iPad or iPhone

PBS presents a free exclusive sneak preview of the mobile presentation of POV Short Cuts. They are now available on the PBS Video apps for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch!
POV Staff 01.17.11
PBS iPad App with POV Short Cuts Image

Watch ‘POV Short Cuts’ on Your iPad

PBS’s iPad app won the Webby Award earlier this year in the Best Entertainment App for Tablets category! Watch POV Short Cuts (and other upcoming POV films to be announced soon) on your iPad for a limited time only.

Download the iPad app and watch ‘POV Short Cuts’ now! »


PBS iPhone App with Sweetgrass Image

Watch ‘POV Short Cuts’ on Your iPhone

PBS’s app for the iPhone and iPod Touch enables you to watch PBS programs, like POV Short Cuts (and other upcoming POV films to be announced soon) on the go while waiting on line, riding the bus, wherever you go!

Download the iPhone app and watch ‘POV Short Cuts’ now! »