Film summary

A collective of Palestinian-American dancers living in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn use traditional Dabka as a way to connect to their community and homeland. Broadcast as part of POV Shorts: This Sacred Place.
more about this film


This guide is an invitation to dialogue. It is based on a belief in the power of human connection and designed for people who want to use Coming Home to engage family, friends, classmates, colleagues, and communities. In contrast to initiatives that foster debates in which participants try to convince others that they are right, this document envisions conversations undertaken in a spirit of openness in which people try to understand one another and expand their thinking by sharing viewpoints and listening actively.

The discussion prompts are intentionally crafted to help a wide range of audiences think more deeply about the issues in the film. Rather than attempting to address them all, choose one or two that best meet your needs and interests. And be sure to leave time to consider taking action. Planning next steps can help people leave the room feeling energized and optimistic, even in instances when conversations have been difficult.

For more detailed event planning and facilitation tips, visit

Credits and Acknowledgments

Discussion Guide Author:

Christine Gwillim, PhD

Christine Gwillim is a performance studies scholar and artist. Her work focuses on transnational exchange through performing arts curation. She writes about art and performance for academic and general audiences. Her work has appeared in Performance Matters, Sightlines, and Glasstire among others, and she has been a writer in residence for Fusebox festival, Time-Based Art Festival at Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, Concept Animals, and Deeply Fascinating. As a teaching artist and social practitioner she has worked with the High Museum and Alliance Theatre, the Blanton Museum of Art, the Visual Art Center, The Kitchen, Moiety, and universities throughout the United States. She holds a PhD in performance studies from the University of Texas at Austin with certificates in LGBTQ+ studies, Museum Studies, and Integrated Behavioral Health.

Discussion Guide Producers
Courtney B. Cook, Phd | Education Manager, POV

Jordan Thomas | Education Assistant, POV

Thanks to those who reviewed and contributed to this resource:

Natalie Danford, CopyeditorMeghan Doherty, Coming Home Producer