Manzanar, Diverted Delve Deeper

Manzanar, Diverted Delve Deeper

At a glance

Film summary

At the foot of the majestic snow-capped Sierras, Manzanar, the WWII concentration camp, becomes the confluence for memories of Payahuunadü, the now-parched “land of flowing water.” Intergenerational women from Native American, Japanese American and rancher communities form an unexpected alliance to defend their land and water from Los Angeles. A co-production of the Center for Asian American Media and Vision Maker Media. A co-presentation with the Center for Asian American Media.
more about this film


This list of fiction and nonfiction books provides a range of perspectives on the issues raised by the POV documentary Manzanar Diverted: When Water Becomes Dust.


Susan Conlon, MLIS and Kim Dorman, Community Engagement Coordinator, of Princeton Public Library