Manzanar, Diverted: Tools for Facilitation

Manzanar, Diverted: Tools for Facilitation

At a glance


Participants will arrive with differing degrees of knowledge and lived experience with regards to the many topics that Manzanar, Diverted invites you to explore. It is helpful to prepare yourself and ground yourself in both knowledge and intention ahead of facilitation. As a facilitator we encourage you to take the necessary steps to ensure that you are prepared to guide a conversation that prioritizes the safety of those whose experiences and identities have been marginalized. This will allow you to set an intention (and sustain a generative dialogue) that maximizes care and critical curiosity, transformation, and connection.

The following are tools to support you and your community before, during, and after the screening + discussion.

About the Authors

Kimi Waite is yonsei fourth generation Japanese American and has received awards for her work in environmental education and social studies education. She is a public voices fellow on the climate crisis with The OpEd Project and the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and has written about the intersections of race, education, and environmental justice for publications such as Ms. Magazine, Rethinking Schools, Grist, Cal Matters, The San Diego Union-Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, and The Progressive. Kimi is a Civics Environmental Education Fellow with the North American Association for Environmental Education. She has an M.Ed. from UCLA and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Sustainability Education at Prescott College.