Through The Night Discussion Guide

Through The Night Discussion Guide

At a glance

Film summary

Through the Night is a verité documentary that explores the personal cost of our modern economy through the stories of two working mothers and a child care provider, whose lives intersect at a 24-hour daycare center in New Rochelle, New York. Official Selection, Tribeca Film Festival. A co-production of POV and ITVS in association with Latino Public Broadcasting and Black Public Media.
more about this film


This guide is an invitation to dialogue. It is based on a belief in the power of human connection and designed for people who want to use Through the Night to engage family, friends, classmates, colleagues, and communities. In contrast to initiatives that foster debates in which participants try to convince others that they are right, this document envisions conversations undertaken in a spirit of openness in which people try to understand one another and expand their thinking by sharing viewpoints and listening actively.

The discussion prompts are intentionally crafted to help a wide range of audiences think more deeply about the issues in the film. Rather than attempting to address them all, choose one or two that best meet your needs and interests. And be sure to leave time to consider taking action. Planning next steps can help people leave the room feeling energized and optimistic, even in instances when conversations have been difficult.

About the Authors

Imani M. Cheers is an Associate Professor of digital storytelling and the Associate Director in the School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University. She is also the Director of Academic Adventures for Planet Forward. Dr. Cheers received her B.F.A in Photography from Washington University in St. Louis and an M.A. in African Studies and a Ph.D. in Mass Communication and Media Studies from Howard University.

Dr. Cheers is an award-winning digital storyteller, director, producer, and filmmaker. As a professor of practice, she uses a variety of mediums including video, photography, television, and film to document and discuss issues impacting and involving people of the African Diaspora. Her scholarly focus is on the intersection of women/girls, technology, health, conflict, agriculture, and the effects of climate change in sub-Saharan Africa.

Dr. Cheers is also an expert on diversity in Hollywood, specifically the representation of Black women in television and film. She is the author of The Evolution of Black Women in Television: Mammies, Matriarchs, and Mistresses (Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2017). Her work has been supported by the Ford Foundation and the International Reporting Project. Dr. Cheers is also a regular contributor for international outlets including BBC, CGTN America, and CTN Canada, offering insight into American race relations and popular culture.