Educational Resources: Lesson plan

Lesson plan
Unapologetic Lesson Plan: An Introduction to Radical Black Women-Led Activism
This lesson provides a framework for viewing radical Black women’s activism in Chicago today as part of a continuum.
Lesson plan
Mayor Lesson Plan: A Lesson on Palestinian Culture & Resistance
In these series of lessons, students learn new vocabulary terms relating to Israeli occupation of Palestine. They’re asked to build upon prior knowledge of the occupation of Palestine utilizing a K-W-L chart.
Lesson plan
Stateless Lesson Plan
This lesson provides a humanistic framework in understanding the role and impact of the 168-13 Constitutional Tribunal ruling/policy in the Dominican Republic which deprived thousands of Dominicans of Haitian descent of their nationality essentially rendering them stateless.
Lesson plan
Landfall Lesson Plan: Disaster Colonialism in Puerto Rico
Using the framework of disaster colonialism, this lesson will provide a historical context of LANDFALL film to allow students to critically examine the ongoing crises in Puerto Rico.
Lesson plan
The Neutral Ground Lesson Plan: Confederate Monuments: They’re Not Neutral
This lesson plan is designed to help students gain a more critical understanding of the controversies surrounding contemporary movements to remove confederate monuments. The goal is to foster healthy conversations and cultivate a deeper understanding of the subject matter while also promoting compassion and advocacy.