Educational Resources: Gender

Discussion guide
Midwives Discussion Guide
A discussion guide inspired by the film Midwives.
Reading list
An Act of Worship Delve Deeper
A reading list inspired by the film An Act of Worship.
Discussion guide
Unapologetic Discussion Guide
A discussion guide inspired by the film Unapologetic
Discussion guide
To The Future, with Love
A discussion guide inspired by the film To The Future, With Love.
Reading list
North By Current Delve Deeper
This list of reading resources to accompany North By Current was compiled by Veronda Pitchford of Califa Group, a non-profit library consortium, in San Francisco, California.
Reading list
Things We Dare Not Do Delver Deeper
This list of fiction and nonfiction books, compiled by Rachael Harkness of Portland Public Library provides a range of perspectives on the issues raised by the POV documentary Things We Dare Not Do.